
1. Clinical Information
1.1 Observation Object
From 2009 Oct to 2011 May, a total of 15 patients were treated specifically with NGPDT. Seven were diagnosed with Esophageal Cancers, 4 with Colon Cancers and 4 with Rectal Cancers; 8 males and 7 females at the age of 45-76 years (an average of 55 years old) made up the test group. All 15 patients had received chemotherapy before and were deemed not suitable or were not willing to have surgery.
NGPDT (PASPDT-063型),多波长输出仪器。
所用光敏剂 PHOTOSOFT口服\雾化液。
1.2 Medical Device and Agent
NGPDT (PASPDT-063), multi frequency output device.
Oral and Inhalation administration of NGPDT Agent (NGPDT Agent does not need to be intraveneouly administered)
治疗前先进行PET\CT 监测,确定肿瘤位置、大小、及深度。第一天,患者口服光敏剂 PHOTOSOFT 80mg + 20mg 雾化 。24小时以后进行第一次光动力照射。输出光强度为500-1000mw/40-60min。第三天,患者口服光敏剂 PHOTOSOFT 30mg + 20 mg雾化。第四天进行同样的光动力照射。第五天,患者继续口服光敏剂PHOTOSOFT 30mg + 20 mg雾化。第六天进行同样的光动力照射,照射后口服50mg光敏剂。第七天,进行同样地光动力照射以后,口服50mg光敏剂PHOTOSOFT.第八天进行最后一次光动力治疗。整个疗程结束后,患者进行中医康复治疗。
1.3 Treatment Procedure
A PETCT scan was conducted on each patient prior treatment to locate the area, size and depth of the tumor.
Day 1 :Orally administered 80mg of NGPDT Agent, 20mg inhaled.
Day 2 : First light treatment is performed 24 hours after administration of the agent. Treatment Session time of 40-60 minutes.
Day 3 : Oral administration of 30mg and inhalation administration of 20mg of NGPDT Agent.
Day 4 : Second light treatment session.
Day 5 : Oral administration of 30mg and inhalation administration of 20mg of NGPDT Agent.
Day 6 : Light treatment session.
Day 7 : Orally administered 50mg of NGPDT Agent.
Day 8 : Final light treatment is performed.
Day 9 : NGPDT treatment course is complete.
Patients received traditional Chinese medicine as vitamin supplemented recovery program.
1. 完全效应:肿瘤完全消失,持续超过1个月;
2. 明显效应:肿瘤最大直径和其垂直直径或肿瘤高度的乘积缩小50%以上,并持续1个月以上;
3. 轻度效应:肿瘤体积的最大直径和其垂直直径或肿瘤的高度乘积缩小不足50%,并持续1个月以上;
4. 无效:肿瘤无缩小或增大。
1.4 Result Evaluation Standard
According to the result evaluation standard set by the China PDT conference:
1. complete effectiveness: tumor disappear and last for over a month;
2. obvious effectiveness: the diameter of the tumor has shrunk 50% or more;
3. slightly effectiveness: the diameter of the tumor has shrunk less than 50%;
4. no effect: the tumor has not increased or decreased in size.
2. Result
2.1 Symptoms
After 1-3 courses of NGPDT treatment, Esophageal Cancer patients who had obstructions and/or difficulties swallowing before the treatment have all experienced different extents of improvement. All Rectal Cancer patients had a cessation of bleeding from the intestines after the first light treatment session; Two patients who experienced stool bleeding of over 0.5 litres/day reported a cessation of bleeding after two light treatments. All the patients who had difficulties with bowl movement reported different extent of improvement after completed treatment course.
2.2 Tumors
Tumor tissue in patients was observed to have different levels of necrosis two days after the treatment, tumour surface changed to a grey and white colour. Endoscopy checkup four weeks after treatment showed all tumours had disappeared or had shrunk in size. From the 15 patient trial group, 4 have shown complete effectiveness; 8 have shown obvious effectiveness; two have shown slight effectiveness with one patient showing no effect. Total Effective Rate is 93.4%.
2.3 Side Effects
One Esophageal Cancer patient had hematemesis and dark red colour of stool a week after the treatment. Gastroscopy showed that the bleeding was due to tumour festering after treatment. Blood Transfusion and other methods to stop bleeding were attempted but failed, patients family disagreed to emergency surgery, the patient died two weeks after treatment. PDT Treatment Complication rate of 5%.
1.1对象 本组13例患者均经临床症状、内镜检查及活组织病理学检查确认,其中:男性10例,女性3例;年龄62-81岁,平均71.63岁;病程4-11个月,上段食管癌1例,中下段食管癌9例,贲门2例,食管—胃吻合口癌1例;
1. Object and Method
1.1 Object
All patients had condition confirmed via biopsy or scan. 10 male, 3 female; Aged between 62-81 years old with an average of 71.63. All were diagnosed from 4-11 months. One with upper esophageal cancer, 9 with lower part of esophageal cancer; two with cardia cancer; one with gastric cancer;
1.2方法 全部患者入院后查血、尿、便常规,便潜血、肝肾功能、心电图、胸透或胸片等检查,并给于静脉营养,纠正脱水、电解质紊乱、酸碱平衡失调,一般情况改善后,进行光动力治疗。所用设备为:NGPDT (PASPDT-063型),多波长输出仪器,所用光敏剂PHOTOSOFT口服\雾化液。治疗前先进行PET\CT 监测,确定肿瘤位置、大小、及深度。第一天,患者口服光敏剂PHOTOSOFT80mg + 20mg 雾化 。24小时以后进行第一次光动力照射。输出光强度为500-1000mw/40-60min。第三天,患者口服光敏剂PHOTOSOFT 30mg + 20 mg雾化。第四天进行同样的光动力照射。第五天,患者继续口服光敏剂PHOTOSOFT 30mg + 20 mg雾化。第六天进行同样的光动力照射,照射后口服50mg光敏剂PHOTOSOFT。第七天,进行同样地光动力照射以后,口服50mg光敏剂PHOTOSOFT.第八天进行最后一次光动力治疗。整个疗程结束后,患者进行中医康复治疗。
1.2 Method
All patients submitted blood test, stool and urine samples, and ECG, CT scan etc after checked in. They were given IV drips for nutrition and alkaline balance. After their general health condition was stabilized, patients started NGPDT treatment.
Device: NGPDT (PASPDT-063), multi frequency output device;
Orally and/or inhaled NGPDT Agent.
2.1疗效标准 CR:吞咽困难消失,可进正常固体食物;PR:吞咽困难基本消失,可进半流质及软食;NR:进食情况无改善者。
2. Result
2.1 Result Standard
CR: Swallowing difficulties disappear; able to consume solid food
PR: Swallowing difficulties partly resolved; able to consume liquid and soft foods
NR: no improvement
2.2治疗效果 本组患者CR7例;PR6例;NR 0例;总有效率100%。且分别于疗程结束第7、14天复查血、尿、便常规,便潜血、肝肾功能、心电图、钡餐透视均无异常发现。
2.2 Treatment Result: Of the patients treated, 7 were present with CR, 6 were present with PR. The total effective rate for NGPDT – 100%. On 7th and 14th days after the treatment, patients submitted new blood, urine, and stool tests, ECG, PET all of which showed no abnormal symptoms.
案例1: 患者 XX 男 81岁,因进食梗阻2个月,确诊为”食管下段鳞癌”,放疗后缓解3个月,再次”梗阻”,仅能进流食。。2009年接受NGPDT治疗,5天后可进饮食,至今仍存活。
Case study 1: Patient XX, male, 81yo, had eating obstruction for two months, diagnosed with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The obstruction relapsed 3 months after radiation and as a result the patient could only consume liquid food. Patient received NGPDT treatment in 2009, was able to consume food five days after treatment. Currently still alive.
案例2:患者姓名:姜浩,男,43岁,鼻咽癌,广东人。 简要病史:诊断鼻咽癌六年,先后作过多次放疗和化疗,临床诊断为鼻咽癌IV期,而且无法再次进行放疗和全身化疗。 鼻咽镜下所见:右侧鼻腔完全为肿瘤所阻塞,肿瘤组织质地硬,触之极易出血,难以清除,鼻腔内侧以及鼻咽部有肿物浸润,部分阻塞鼻腔。 10天后检查,左侧鼻腔见鼻腔内侧壁、鼻腔内侧以及鼻咽部上壁有肿物有坏死,用活检钳钳出大部分坏死组织。患者治疗后双侧鼻腔通畅,现在进行中医调理,在康复中。
Case study 2: Patient Jiang Hao, Male, 43yo, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Medical history summary: Patient has suffered with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma for 6 years. Had chemotherapy and radiation multiple times. Clinical diagnosis confirmed he was at late stage of cancer and that he was not suitable for chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Nasopharyngoscopy Report: Right nasal cavity blocked by tumour, bleeds easily when touched. Inside nasal cavity and on wall of the nasal cavity are partly blocked. 10 days after NGPDT treatment, dead tumour cells present in the left nasal cavity, inside and the upper part of nasal cavity. Biopsy confirmed most of the tumour tissue is necrotic. Nose no longer unobstructed. Patient now is in recovery with Natural Herbal Therapy.
案例3: 光动力治疗声带癌一例
患者黄某某,男性,63岁,患者2008年12月起出现声音嘶哑、低沉,随到汕尾市人民医院就诊,行喉部CT检查,未发现异常,行气管镜检查,后因剧烈咳嗽而未成功。给予中医中药治疗声音嘶哑症状一直未能缓解,2009年4月4日于行喉镜检查,诊断为右侧声带新生物,性质待定。2009年5月10 日于南方医院行右声带活检术,病理结果显示:”(右声带)中分化鳞状细胞癌”。
Case study 3: Patient Huang XX, male, Vocal Cord Cancer, 63yo. Patient experienced hoarseness of the throat since 2008 Dec, nothing abnormal was found by CT. A Bronchus check failed due to non-stop coughing. Natural Therapies didn’t relieve patients symptoms. 2009 April, Laryngoscope found a node in patients right Vocal Cord . Biopsy in 2009 May confirmed Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
2009 Dec, patient treated with NGPDT. Checkup two months after treatment, the tumour has completely disappeared, normal tissue replaced the tumor site. Patients vocal cords are intact and patient can talk normally.
This patient’s tumor was on the right of the vocal cord, suggested surgery would have removed the patients vocal cords. Treating this patient with NGPDT has resulted in a full recovery while leaving essential organs intact. NGPDT has repeatedly proven to be the best therapy for early stage Vocal Cord Cancers in our clinical studies.