AGE: 60
ADMISSION STATUS: Neurinoma of the Peritoneum
NGPDT TREATMENTS: 3 Treatment Courses
RELEASE STATUS: Positive / Improved Health
ONGOING STATUS: Patient is taking part in our follow-up monitoring program.
Patient had had two operations for Tumour of the Peritoneum prior to assessment by NGPDT Specialists. The patient approached NGPDT to request treatment for lumps that had re-appeared in the abdomen. Pre-treatment assessment was carried out with the following diagnosis….
- Palpable 17cm x 17cm lump on the Right Hypogastrium with clear border, elasticity was hard and tender.
- Palpable 5cm x 5cm lump beneath the Pocessus Xiphoideus connected to enclosed mass in the Right Hypogastrium.
- Bowel sound was active, no gurgling. Abdomen circumference was 79cm. No Inguen lymph node enlargement.
Three periods of NGPDT treatment were prescribed on admission to our treatment centre. Vein infusion of “Shenqi Fuzheng Zhusheye” was administered during the treatment to assist in the removal of necrotic material and other toxic products. General status of the patient was positive throughout the NGPDT treatment course, his appetite and sleep were normal with the patient experiencing very little, if any fatigue as a result of the treatment. The Abdomen tumour enlarged during the first treatment indicating the body’s natural defenses had recognized the tumour and were attacking it. No further changes were observed during the second and third treatments other than a softening of the tumour tissue. Patient is still healthy, active, and being monitored in our follow-up program.